So last Saturday, while I was in Paris, I fell because I ran after the night bus in 15 cm platforms at 2am (a bus I did not wanna miss because I had work the next day) after having 2 cocktails and 2 shots (not my smartest move) and I got a huge painful scratch on my hand and still missed the bus, and afterwards my wound wouldn't heal and my family told me to go to the hospital, and then I went but when I arrived I didn't have my wallet so I thought I had forgotten it and I went back home, but it turned out I actually had lost it on the way, so not only could i not go to the hospital, I also had no wallet anymore so I was super bummed out, but at the station I saw they had my wallet (which is super recognizable as it is a coffin with "Rob Zombie" written on it) and then I could go to the hospital and it turned out I was fine and I just needed to let my wound heal freely. Literally the most stressed I have been for
a while, and for what lol. Anyways, how have these past days been for you all
Daaaaaamn you are wild sis XD
Dark_erogenous  More like I am a victim of wild consequences lol (1y)
Ahh, this is why goths don't run!
Dark_erogenous  Lesson learnt for next time lol... (1y)