Here is the after pic !
The color still have to develope so it'll turn pinker over time. I'll show you guys an update in a few days
Ah ! it is very discreet ! I have never heard of a hair color that develop in the time ! I'm curious about it !
kouta  Me neither, she gave me some special products but i still have to try them out XD (2y)
I had pink hair too back in 2009, they were so flashy ! (fun fact, a dating website refused the picture because they considered it "fake" haha)
kouta  Oh wow that's very neon ! Look awesome ! (2y)
how did you manage to post a picture + a text ? I have a blank page when I'm trying to
kouta  Okay so it's posting pictures in comments that doesn't work yet, posting a picture in a post should not be a problem (2y)
dIscIpvlvs  Indeed, just tried it! (2y)
I first write my text, then click on photo, i choose a file and then you have to tick the little box that says the picture us either taken by you or depicting you
Coffin Rock  that is exactly what I have done (+ the obligation to choose in which dossier I want to ad the picture) and it didn't work :/ (2y)
kouta  Maybe the file is too big ? I'll ask welsey when i see him (2y)
Coffin Rock  ahhh it works now !! I was able to make a post + photo ! youpi ! (2y)
Oooooh, pinky!
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I dreamed about you and your partner ! we were at a goth/rock concert, and your hair were supposed to be pink, but they were not so pink ^^ haha
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