Welcome BETA testers!

We are happy so many of you have found your way here and registered your account. Please go ahead and explore the system, push and click anything you can, and if something goes wrong, please report it here!
So far all seems to work!
Coffin Rock  I throw skulls at you hahahaha (2y)
PlaguePlace  Good, press all the buttons! (2y)
can you add any locale from Switzerland?
PlaguePlace  Zürich added! Every country with members deserves at least one locale already (2y)
Local is a bit short on options, would be nice if more cities from Germany were added
PlaguePlace  We agree! One of the next major updates will have the functionality for people to submit locale requests themselves. (2y)
PlaguePlace  For this reason the choices are now very limited, because we would like people to do this so we can get the test data! (2y)
Same for France. Maybe allow user to set any locale they want?
LuMyia  i had the same problem but maybe in settings select google map instead of here map :) lets try (2y)
LuMyia  nop , doesnt work more -_- (2y)
PlaguePlace  Locales will be much more than just a simple dot on the map. They will become meeting grounds on their own where people can discuss events and find shops or artists within their scenes. This part still needs some work, so we'll have to do with the current situation for a bit (2y)
hello there ^.^*
PlaguePlace  Hi, nice to meet you! (2y)
Annnd ! connected ! I am navigating in the interface, as others comments, new locations can not be added. and I do not understand where to see all the people who get an account :)
PlaguePlace  You can see all current members on the home page (little house on the left top). This is also from where you post onto your profile! (2y)
Coffin Rock  ahhh the little home ! I didn't see that we can click on it ! thank you ! (2y)