
"A Social for the Underground"



[events will go here!]

The coming update will allow embeds of Youtube, Vimeo, Twitch and Instagram media.

Anything else we need consider?

Question: Would you expect to see your own posts in your friend/circle feed or not?

Tokens have been awarded to all beta members!

We realise this .place is a bit empty now, but we are working hard on the next - rather big- update whilst also implementing some of the many recommendations you have so far given us. More to be announced soon!

The leveling system has been set up! Be active across the platform and you will slowly grow in might.

Invites will be awarded periodically or on level up.

Dear Beta Testers,
Leveling should have kicked in with the introduction of scenes, but apparently it has not. Seems like the next update might become a major one after all

It has been brought to our attention that PlaguePlace photo compression is absolutely terrible and we totally agree. Let's make this one of the things to improve in the next update!

Scenes are online, and with that the liveblood of this platform is revealed. Join the scenes you belong to and create discussion topics as you wish!

Lovely News

This .place now works on phones!

It is now possible to post lovely notes like this!
Visit your home and give it a try

Dear Beta Testers,
Because the september update was getting rather big we decided to release it in two parts. Now online are the private messaging and beacon functionality, the next will address some of the well known display and posting issues.

Notifications should also work! See the bell on the top right? This will chime when one gets new System, User or Post notifications. While the lightning icon on the left turns yellow and rings whenever you get a new message.

Also, turn on your Beacon on the home page, to let others know you wish to talk!


Who here (if anybody) received their registration mail in their SPAM or unwanted messages folder?

Now 3 days without any error reported, we are full steam ahead for the september update featuring Instant messaging as well as having some of the known issues fixed. Thank you beta testers!

Our error reports show that some use of emoji seems to cause collation issues in the database. If a post (or your profile text) does not seem to go through this is most likely the issue.

Try posting it without the emoji, or use one that we provide (click the text tab for a full list). Meanwhile we'll have another look at our encoding to figure out the exact cause.

Dear Beta testers,

The first two days have been rather interesting. Thanks to your activity a lot of little bugs have been found and fixed already! Whenever something goes wrong, an error report is automatically sent to us, but if you see something for yourself, be free to comment it here!

Welcome BETA testers!

We are happy so many of you have found your way here and registered your account. Please go ahead and explore the system, push and click anything you can, and if something goes wrong, please report it here!

A Social for the Underground