Our error reports show that some use of emoji seems to cause collation issues in the database. If a post (or your profile text) does not seem to go through this is most likely the issue.

Try posting it without the emoji, or use one that we provide (click the text tab for a full list). Meanwhile we'll have another look at our encoding to figure out the exact cause.
I had a similar problem, maybe using utf8mb4 instead of utf8 may help?
Hope this helps!
Nitro  Woah, nested comments!
Are the time on the posts displayed with an UTC timezone? Or do you use the timezone from the selected scene? (2y)
PlaguePlace  Thank you for your link! This is indeed the issue, but as stated in the article, this is not a change that goes without consequences. So we ar examining those right now whilst working on the next release and perhaps doing a patch fix soon. (2y)
PlaguePlace  At the moment the system does not use timezones and all times dislayed are (Berlin) server time. Locale timezones are indeed the logical choice to go for, but we're also considering the option of querying for the user's device time. (2y)
I couldn't comment and add a picture either. it gaves me an error, I have print screened it, tell me if you want me to show it to you, as I can add it ^^
PlaguePlace  This is an issue we know about! WIll be fixed in the next update! (2y)
The issue has been solved for the moment, though perhaps not in a way that most would have expected or liked
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