Dear Beta testers,

The first two days have been rather interesting. Thanks to your activity a lot of little bugs have been found and fixed already! Whenever something goes wrong, an error report is automatically sent to us, but if you see something for yourself, be free to comment it here!
It's not possible (yet) to undo likes and to see who liked something
PlaguePlace  No, indeed it is not (2y)
Coffin Rock  I was thinking the same + "un asking friendship" if as me others a clicking everywhere to test everything and sent strange invites to peoples I don't know ^^ (2y)
PlaguePlace  Removing someone from your circle is quite easy. Just click the checkbutton on their profile (where previously the add button was) (2y)
Even when not logged in I can look at every post and see all the information of the different profiles. Is it supposed to be that way, an will it stay like that?
PlaguePlace  Yes, public posts are public. Instant messages are private. (2y)